So, isn't it interesting that the cult of Scientology has yet to be investigated by the United States, where its more popular and more countries are begining to pick up where the US fails. But why, Scientology is more popular in the US than in most places and yet it commits its illegal actions on US soil in Califorina, in Florida where its major centers are located. So why does the gverment not take action?
Several have come forward. Many Ex's, many critics have beggeed for the cult to be investigated.
And now
A new petion
Please, please, please sign and spread and far and wide as you can.
Let, family, friends and everyone else know and sign it.
You can still be anonymous, just make up a fake name, or use your initials if you like
Also, It does not matter if you are not a citizen in the united states you can still sign it.
The links are right below the Tory's video which is linked above.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Hey everyone,
I just arrived in Argentina and besides seeing a bit around Buenos Aires I have also been learning about the Cult of Scientologys current activities and infiltration into the Argentinian goverment.

Evidently, the head of OSA, Libardi likes to get chummy with some goverment officials.

However, his latest best friend, Gustavo Altieri the president of Youth for Human Rights (a known Scientology front group) is trying to claim ownership of the organization in Argentina.

Seems like the next protest will be soon and I cannot wait. Ill be bringing caek, and no my caek is not a lie.

Anyway, so all is well here in Argentina.
For more info about the Cults involvement in the Argentinian goverment visit:
I just arrived in Argentina and besides seeing a bit around Buenos Aires I have also been learning about the Cult of Scientologys current activities and infiltration into the Argentinian goverment.

Evidently, the head of OSA, Libardi likes to get chummy with some goverment officials.

However, his latest best friend, Gustavo Altieri the president of Youth for Human Rights (a known Scientology front group) is trying to claim ownership of the organization in Argentina.

Seems like the next protest will be soon and I cannot wait. Ill be bringing caek, and no my caek is not a lie.

Anyway, so all is well here in Argentina.
For more info about the Cults involvement in the Argentinian goverment visit:
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
L. Ron Hubbard in his own words part II
On youtube
Once more another video created by yours truly that shows L. Ron's crazy side in his own words. Making the videos like this are a mixture of fun and realization for me. I hope you all like it.
Quotes we're taken from:
Why We Protest
My Goddess by The Exies
**I do not own the song
gathered from Google
Once more another video created by yours truly that shows L. Ron's crazy side in his own words. Making the videos like this are a mixture of fun and realization for me. I hope you all like it.
Quotes we're taken from:
Why We Protest
My Goddess by The Exies
**I do not own the song
gathered from Google
Why I got involved in Scientology
Probably one of the most important questions to ask yourself when you get out of a cult like Scientology is why you got involved in the first place. This is something I've been looking at for the past week or so. So, why did I get involved with Scientology? It's simple. I was looking for answers, that no one else was giving me but I learned the hard way that no one has all the answers.
I skimmed through rows and rows of books on religion and philosophy in the library until a book caught my eye. A book with a volcano on it. Dianetics.
I checked it out and read it. It made some sense and struck my interest. So, I decided to call the org near me and soon I was on course. You see, the cult just goes after people who are looking for answers and digs their claws into their brains until they are putty.
Scientology's tactic's of love bombing, of false promises and lies leads people into blindingly believing what everyone else is. Their tactics of Disconnection cuts off anyone who opposes the groups beliefs and makes leaving Scientology difficult, but these are basic tactics that most cults have.
I skimmed through rows and rows of books on religion and philosophy in the library until a book caught my eye. A book with a volcano on it. Dianetics.
I checked it out and read it. It made some sense and struck my interest. So, I decided to call the org near me and soon I was on course. You see, the cult just goes after people who are looking for answers and digs their claws into their brains until they are putty.
Scientology's tactic's of love bombing, of false promises and lies leads people into blindingly believing what everyone else is. Their tactics of Disconnection cuts off anyone who opposes the groups beliefs and makes leaving Scientology difficult, but these are basic tactics that most cults have.
Anonymous Argentina,
Church of Scientology,
false promises,
looking for answers,
love bombing,
Sunday, September 11, 2011
David Miscavage Nightline interview part 2
David tries to give the wrap around on Scientology and goes into the typical Scientology ramblings.
Then he starts lying again the money from the cult pays for everything he has and owns. Those fancy suits do not buy themselves.
He also makes kinda a dick of himself when he says that the cult has done more than any other church mainly because there's no way to prove this.
Message to the Church of Scientology
Dear Church of Scientology,
I was once among your blinded followers believing everything I was told and ignoring what was going on around me. I was so devoted that I signed a billion year contract a decision that made me see the darker and truly insane side of your organization. It was this decision that made me watch as a young man screamed and moaned within the confides of ISO at PAC while no one helped and merely watched as he withered to nothing and made me have to protect the younger girls around me from Executive's who thought that they could get away with anything.
You claim to be the "most ethical" people on the planet but I ask you, what is so ethical about murder, what is so ethical about sexual harassment and rape, what is so ethical about intimidation?
Well, I refuse to sit back any longer, I do not find this to be ethical behavior and you have been proven time and time again to of allowed these monstrosities to occur without paying for them.
I make this promise to you now, I will help in aiding the destruction of your organization. Your time is running out your membership is at an all time low.
Your Ideal org's are empty, there are more ex sea org members than sea org members and staff members are constantly blowing. Your course rooms and auditing rooms are empty and you have no where to turn.
Your destruction is emanate and on that day I hope to watch as each and every book written by the con man, L. Ron Hubbard is burned to a crisp.
Scientology will be destroyed.
I was once among your blinded followers believing everything I was told and ignoring what was going on around me. I was so devoted that I signed a billion year contract a decision that made me see the darker and truly insane side of your organization. It was this decision that made me watch as a young man screamed and moaned within the confides of ISO at PAC while no one helped and merely watched as he withered to nothing and made me have to protect the younger girls around me from Executive's who thought that they could get away with anything.
You claim to be the "most ethical" people on the planet but I ask you, what is so ethical about murder, what is so ethical about sexual harassment and rape, what is so ethical about intimidation?
Well, I refuse to sit back any longer, I do not find this to be ethical behavior and you have been proven time and time again to of allowed these monstrosities to occur without paying for them.
I make this promise to you now, I will help in aiding the destruction of your organization. Your time is running out your membership is at an all time low.
Your Ideal org's are empty, there are more ex sea org members than sea org members and staff members are constantly blowing. Your course rooms and auditing rooms are empty and you have no where to turn.
Your destruction is emanate and on that day I hope to watch as each and every book written by the con man, L. Ron Hubbard is burned to a crisp.
Scientology will be destroyed.
What happened to Lisa McPherson?
Lisa McPherson was born on February 10, 1959 but she crossed paths with the Church of Scientology and spent over 170000 dollars on courses and auditing that she was told that she needed to be "truly happy".
Lisa got involved in a small car accident where she was not hurt physically but, she got out of her car and took her clothes off and appeared to be mentally unstable. She was taken to the hospital and found to be unharmed physically however the doctors believed that it would be best for her to go under psychosocial care. However, Scientology loudly opposes psychology and psychiatry seeing those who practice in this field as being kin to demons and so some Scientologists arrived and stated that Lisa did not believe in psychiatry and she was quickly checked out after a short evaluation and left with the Scientologists against her doctor's advice.
She was taken to the Fort Harrison Hotel, a was put in Room 174 for "rest and relaxation" according to the church, but church logs from Lisa's stay there state thatfrom November 18 to her death on December 5 show that Lisa was put on the Introspection Rundown, a Rundown that that Scientology uses to handle those who have had a psychotic break.
Some logs from her stay are missing, and a high ranking ex-Scientologist has written an affidavit in which he claims that the church has in the past destroyed documents that might get the church in trouble and Marty Rathbun, a former high-ranking Scientologist, revealed that he was responsible for the missing logs saying that he ordered them to be destoryed.
As a response to Lisa's death, her family sued The Church of Scientology and individuals involved for wrongful death, all while the Church of Scientology claimed it did nothing wrong regarding Lisa but pictures of her dehydrated and cockroach bitten body prove otherwise.
On June 12, 2000 the criminal charges were dropped against Scientology because or so the prosecutor claimed that the medical examiner could not be counted on to confidently testify, even though the criminal charges were practicing medicine without a license.
So one has to wonder why was this allowed? And whats more, whats to stop the Church of Scientology from killing again?
The answer is a grim one, no one.
That is, unless this cult is stopped they could kill again.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
L. Ron Hubbard in his own words
Alas, what can be said of L. Ron, the pill popper, the wife beater, the criminal, and ultimately what we all know him and loathe him for his creation of the cult of $cientology which to this days still ensnares and traps people within the confines of false promises and crimes.
Here in his own word's we can see the true and sinister side that the cult tries so desperately to keep hidden.
Well, they better know now, the word is out L. Ron was a con man.
The Shrinking World of L. Ron Hubbard
In 1967, this important documentary about the founder of Scientology was broadcasted its a rare and valuable case where L. Ron Hubbard was interviewed by an outside news crew.
The reporter obviously irritates Hubbard to no end during the interview and the reporter did not fail to point out that Hubbard made no sense when he asked what Scientology is.
And what's more the reporter really dug into and asked Hubbard directly about Fair Game, which seemed to make Hubbard even more angry.
Something else I noticed was that every time Hubbard lied he blinked, and he blinks incessantly throughout the entirety of his interview.
I've watched this documentary at a couple of different points in my life. The first time was when I had just gotten out of the Sea Org, and I thought it was just awful and then again after I left the FeeZone and once more now, that I realize I wasted my time on Scientology.
It's truly interesting to see how I have changed and I keep going forward, digging out new information and spreading it as far as I can.
Friday, September 9, 2011
David Miscavage Nightline interview part 1
Oh gawd its like watching a train wreck; you want to look away but you just can't as the head of the cult of Scientology tries to make himself and Scientology look like "the way to freedom". Throughout the entire interview you can almost feel like he is hiding something. However, I did not make this entry to belittle the man (I do not have to he does it himself.) but rather to point out his lies so as the public is truly informed of the type of man he is.
David Miscavage states in the beginning that Scientology's numbers have doubled however in actual fact they have reduced dramatically and the number of Ex-Scientologist continue to grow.
I think one of the only few true things he said was that he did not think that Scientology lends itself very well to the press and that's an understatement if there ever was one. Death, murder, brain washing, coverups, and espionage that's what Scientology does and that's what they try so desperately to hide but when you get a good journalist in there things get stirred up and the cult hates that and as such proceeds to destroy the journalist as they tried to do with John Sweeny, when he did his documentaries with the BBC on Scientology.
Then David Miscavage goes to dig himself a bigger hole and claims that all the detractors who left are part of a terrorist organization (sound familiar)but this can be easily explained by L. Ron Hubbard himself:
In this policy letter Hubbard orders Scientologist to destroy enemies, they call us suppressive people, or SP for short and to do what ever they can to get rid of us. However, this policy no longer really works because over time people start to go against what keeps pushing them down and there will always be people who will not break no matter what and those are the people who keep going who open the doors so others can speak out too.
They (the reporter) makes a good point, at the time this interview was conducted people were scared to speak out about Scientology however, with the invention and board use of the internet, speaking out and protesting the cult of Scientology has gotten a lot easier, and David Miscavage knows it.
Above is Part one of the night line interview.
David Miscavage states in the beginning that Scientology's numbers have doubled however in actual fact they have reduced dramatically and the number of Ex-Scientologist continue to grow.
I think one of the only few true things he said was that he did not think that Scientology lends itself very well to the press and that's an understatement if there ever was one. Death, murder, brain washing, coverups, and espionage that's what Scientology does and that's what they try so desperately to hide but when you get a good journalist in there things get stirred up and the cult hates that and as such proceeds to destroy the journalist as they tried to do with John Sweeny, when he did his documentaries with the BBC on Scientology.
Then David Miscavage goes to dig himself a bigger hole and claims that all the detractors who left are part of a terrorist organization (sound familiar)but this can be easily explained by L. Ron Hubbard himself:
In this policy letter Hubbard orders Scientologist to destroy enemies, they call us suppressive people, or SP for short and to do what ever they can to get rid of us. However, this policy no longer really works because over time people start to go against what keeps pushing them down and there will always be people who will not break no matter what and those are the people who keep going who open the doors so others can speak out too.
They (the reporter) makes a good point, at the time this interview was conducted people were scared to speak out about Scientology however, with the invention and board use of the internet, speaking out and protesting the cult of Scientology has gotten a lot easier, and David Miscavage knows it.
Above is Part one of the night line interview.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
hello all
*note: this is not for the squeemish*
So, how is everyone? This is the start of a new blog against the evil cult of Scientology and with that being said I would like to thank any readers out there for coming to check out my blog and I hope to have it running for quite sometime.
Anyway, a bit about me. My name is Eevey Fawkes and I am currently involved in Project Chanology, that is, the plan to take down a cruel and sinister cult that steals, murders and permits all kinda of abuses (so just in general bad people).
As for the countless murder's committed by the Cult, it is an ever growing number in both suicides, murder, and false promises. Probably one of the most known murder's committed by the church is that of Lisa McPherson.
On the 5th of December 1995, Lisa was found dead upon arrival at a hospital that was 45 minutes north of Clearwater, Florida where she was held against her will at the Scientology owned Fort Harrison Hotel without food or water and left to have cockroaches ate her alive. According to the Autopsy Report, Lisa was underweight, severely dehydrated, and had bruises and bug bites all over her body as you can see in these pictures.
For the rest of Lisa's autopsy photos go here. Her "caregivers" (Scientologist) choose to pass three hospital's where she could have received proper medical treatment and quite possibly could have saved her life in the process, but no, the went to a hospital that was further away and had a Scientologist Doctor on staff.
And so, Lisa died needlessly because of the Church of Scientology.
For more about the death's commited by Scientology visit:
The cults list of crimes is huge and blatant and I willingly look for an investigation of the cult of Scientology.
See my message to them here
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